Monday, October 20, 2008

Feast or Famine

Wow, what a weekend! Three shoots this weekend (if you count the football game)! Sunday was quite a day! We got up eary (as usual) for church, got to church a little early and proceeded to walk in when Madison got her hand caught in the church's steel door. Her ring finger on the right hand got caught at the first knuckle (the one closest to the tip of the finger) and appeared deformed after the accident. My wife and I 'dumped' the two boys off on my 20 yr old neice and took Madi to the ER (Charlton Methodist). Luckily there wasnt a break (only soft tissue damage) and we got back for church to catch the end of service (we had quick service at the ER).

Sunday afternoon after pizza with the family and my sister in laws family at Roma's Pizza I headed back home for a shoot with the Westbury Family. They have two lovely children (12 year old Kaitlyn and 2 year old Madeline). It appears that Kaitlyn is ready to take on the world and perhaps modeling (very pretty young lady) and Madeline is ready to take on the world and everything else (aren't all two year olds like this)?

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