Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 2008

July 2008 003 copy
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
Football practice has started again and I have booked my first wedding for September! I took this picture of a youngster at one of our first football practices for this year. I cloned out his hand so that it appears under the cap he was holding and converted to Black and White. The photo turned out pretty well, but would have like to have gotten more pictures of him...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Tyler 14-frame copy copy
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
In the past couple of weeks I have had two inquiries about Wedding shoots. One in August and one in September. With any luck I will have some wedding pictures to post soon. Here is the latest of the lovely Tyler taken this past weekend. The shadowsoft action really makes this photo stand out. I also have a different frame on this photo for those of you to weigh your options.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Tyler 062HeadshotBW Warm
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
I had the opportunity today to photograph a co-worker's daughter. She was very shy and unsure of the photography shoot but she came through with flying colors. Here is one of my favorites from the day!