Monday, January 26, 2009


I have a new blog page at and will no longer be using this blog... Please visit me there!

Monday, January 12, 2009

James and Lacy

James and Lacy
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
Busy, Busy weekend! Friday afternoon I 'bit the bullet' and ordered the Canon 5d Mark II (which I really want here yesterday). Saturday on a cold blustery day I had a wedding with the fabulous Marie Q The wedding went without a hitch the bride was beautiful and everyone had fun. On Sunday I met Jame and Lacy at the Ellis County Courthouse for their engagement photos for their August wedding... We had fun and more pictures to come...

Friday, January 9, 2009

New FOR 2009

Can you believe it is 2009? I can't either... Well by popular demand I am going to introduce a payment plan for any purchases in excess of $300.00... If you are interested in a payment plan for your photos contact me and I will fill you in on the details!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Renaissance Megan

Renaissance Megan
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
I have been sooooo sick this weekend. I have some possible shoots coming up but have been wanting to practice my skills in photoshop too so I went back to Megan's folder to see what I havent worked before and I found this shot. This photo is more processed than I usually do, but I like the feel for it. Megan pointed out that I also enhanced her makeup. Not sure if she liked the photo or not...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
Merry Christmas from Mike-Jones-Photography

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Eyes of Beauty

Eyes of Beauty Soft B&W
Originally uploaded by mjvincent

Not having any shoots recently I was 'thumbing' thru my photos to see if I had missed any shots and found this stunner! I cant decide if I like the color version or this one better... Leave me a message and let me know what you think।

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hudsonville Texas

Jasper, William
Originally uploaded by mjvincent
I found this grave while deer hunting near Bonham Texas. It used to be in a town called Hudsonville Texas . This photo was taken using my IPhone 3G... Not the greatest camera to use but it is what I had...